A list of puns related to "Dallas Davidson"
Welcome to the week 10 Official r/NFL Power Rankings! As one bursts into flames, another rises from the ashes. Parity is partly why after 13 weeks there are 13 AFC teams with playoff hopes still alive. Sometimes parity looks like a Zimmer prevent defense, others it looks like your run-of-the-mill three pass, forty-six rush divisional upset. Either way, it's these games that make for great football. Will the Ravens, Bills, Vikings, and 49ers fall too far or not far enough? Discuss! 31/32 reporting.
keep reading on reddit ➡Hey again /r/mls I'm back with part four of the state soccer teams. For those of you seeing this for the first time, I began a project last summer where in a made-up universe, each U.S. state (commonwealth for the people in KY, MA, PA, and VA) had their own state soccer team. I have done Part I revised a few weeks ago, and now I am on to part four!
To get read-up on everything, check out Part 1.
#Previous Threads Part 1 (AL-CA) | Part 2 (CO-GA) | Part 3 (HI-IA) | Part 4 (KS-MO) | Part 5 (MT-OH)
... keep reading on reddit ➡https://preview.redd.it/t49sy7trvdb81.jpg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6b0cc794d3721b92cff07066473d12df351d55
Links to this week's episode discussion posts:
Compiled the "Happiness" scores for roughly the US News T100 + some other large state schools + an assortment of top LACs.
Lowest (3.0): Harvard.
Highest (4.7, tie): Miami, Auburn, Wisconsin, several LACs.
National Private:
School | Score |
Princeton University | 4.4 |
Harvard University | 3.0 |
Columbia University | 3.8 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 3.8 |
Yale University | 4.1 |
University of Chicago | 3.5 |
Stanford University | 4.2 |
University of Pennsylvania | 4.0 |
Johns Hopkins University | 3.9 |
Northwestern University | 4.0 |
California Institute of Technology | 4.0 |
Duke University | 4.6 |
Dartmouth College | 4.5 |
Brown University | 4.6 |
Vanderbilt University | 4.6 |
Washington University in St. Louis | 4.5 |
Rice University | 4.0 |
Cornell University | 4.3 |
University of Notre Dame | 4.5 |
Emory | 4.3 |
Georgetown University | 4.4 |
Carnegie Mellon University | 3.9 |
University of Southern California | 4.6 |
Wake Forest | 4.4 |
Tufts University | 4.3 |
New York University | 4.1 |
University of Rochester | 3.9 |
Boston College | 4.1 |
Tulane University | 4.6 |
Brandeis University | 4.1 |
Case Western Reserve University | 4.0 |
Boston University | 4.0 |
Pepperdine University | 4.1 |
Lehigh University | 4.3 |
Northeastern University | 4.4 |
Villanova University | 4.3 |
University of Miami | 4.7 |
Santa Clara University | 4.4 |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | 3.6 |
Syracuse University | 4.2 |
George Washington University | 4.2 |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute | 4.2 |
Southern Methodist University | 4.4 |
Fordham University | 4.2 |
Yeshiva University | 4.0 |
Loyola Marymount University | 4.4 |
Baylor University | 4.3 |
American University | 4.0 |
Brigham Young University--Provo | 4.5 |
Gonzaga University | 4.4 |
Howard University | 4.1 |
Texas Christian University | 4.6 |
Stevens Institute of Technology | 3.8 |
Marquette University | 4.2 |
Elon University | 4.4 |
Colorado School of Mines | 3.4 |
University of San Diego | 4.3 |
University of Denver | 4.1 |
National Public:
School | Score |
UC-Los Angeles | 4.3 |
UC-Berkeley | 4.1 |
University of Michigan | 4.5 |
University of Virginia | 4.4 |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 4.5 |
UC-Santa Barbara | 4.6 |
University of Florida | 4.4 |
UC-San Diego | 3.7 |
UC-Irvine | 4.2 |
Georgia Institute of Technology | 3.8 |
UC-Davis | 4.3 |
William and Mary | 4.3 |
University of Texas at Austin | 4.4 |
University of Wisconsin at Madison | 4.7 |
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | 4.4 |
University of Georgia | 4.5 |
The Ohio State University | 4.4 |
Purdue University | 4.3 |
Florida State Univ |
I guess the concept didn't work
Demographics: Male , Black/African, Texas , Private ( < 200 class size), and hooks (URM, First in Family to apply to schools in US)
Income: 35k for 5 people
Intended Major(s): Comp Sci/lEnvironmental Science
ACT/SAT/SAT II: Test Optional
UW/W GPA and Rank: 3.89 basically a 3.9 my school doesn't rank
(Took AP classes but never tests because they were too expensive for my family)
AP World
AP Physics 1
AP Psychology
AP Biology (No AP Chem)
AP Statistics
AP Calc AB (highest level of math at school)
AP English IV
AP Macro
DC English III
DC History III
(Geometry, Alg 2, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Pre Calc, US History) Honors
ABRSM Violin Awards, Orchestra State Championships, Questbridge National College Match Finalist
Primary Author of Submitted Research Paper on how populations can increase lifespan
Secondary Author on Research with college professor on Public Policy
Non-Submitted Research Internship with Local College Professor on Real Estate
Climate Change Activist
Mu Alpha Theta Club
Podcast on Music and Business
Financial Independence and Math Tutor
Open Resource Website on Financial Independence
Power Washing Business
Working on Clothing Line rn
Self Taught Python Java, Javascript, C++ (Soph-Present)
AP Biology Teacher 10/10
D AP English Teacher 8/10
AP Calc Teacher 6.5/10
Counselor 9/10
Decisions (indicate RD/ED/REA/EA)
Yale (QB)
Duke (QB)
Rice (QB)
Brown (QB)
Stanford (QB)
Dartmouth (QB)
Princeton (QB)
St Bonaventure (w $25k per year Presidential Scholarship)
University of Dallas ($27k scholarship)
Southern Methodist University (EA) (20k per year scholarship
University of Dayton (Honors College)
Creighton (EA) (96k total Magis Scholarship)
Seton Hill (RD) (Scholarship TBD) (Update: They Gave me 30k in Loans)
University of Nebraska (RD)(Scholarship TBD)
Oral Robert’s (RD)
St.Johns (RD) (35k a year scholarship)
Valparaiso (RD) (25k a year scholarship)
Tarleton (RD)
Baylor (RD)
Butler (RD)
Drake (RD)
Harvard (RD)
Saint Louis (RD)
Seton Hall (RD)
Tulane (RD)
University of Maine (RD)
Xavier (RD)
Northwestern (RD)
Tufts (RD)
Notre Dame (RD)
Emory (RD)
Vanderbilt (RD)
Univeristy of Pennsylvania (RD)
Pomona (RD)
WashU STL (RD)
Grinnell (RD)
Davidson (RD)
Macalester (RD)
Colby (RD)
Denison (RD)
Hamilton (RD)
... keep reading on reddit ➡I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
Alot of great jokes get posted here! However just because you have a joke, doesn't mean it's a dad joke.
Try telling these sexual jokes that get posted here, to your kid and see how your spouse likes it.. if that goes well, Try telling one of your friends kid about your sex life being like Coca cola, first it was normal, than light and now zero , and see if the parents are OK with you telling their kid the "dad joke"
I'm not even referencing the NSFW, I'm saying Dad jokes are corny, and sometimes painful, not sexual
So check out r/jokes for all types of jokes
r/unclejokes for dirty jokes
r/3amjokes for real weird and alot of OC
r/cleandadjokes If your really sick of seeing not dad jokes in r/dadjokes
Punchline !
Edit: this is not a post about NSFW , This is about jokes, knock knock jokes, blonde jokes, political jokes etc being posted in a dad joke sub
Edit 2: don't touch the thermostat
Is a Deflationary Crisis the Real Economic Danger Ahead?
James Dale Davidson January 18, 2022 Updated: January 18, 2022
Careful thinking should caution you not to wager the house on the assumption of future inflation. For starters, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has generously computed the velocity of M2 Money Stock.
Their analysis shows that the velocity of M2 money stock has plunged since the pandemic began. It is now at a 60-year low. This reaction contradicts the presumption that inflation is destined to soar as the Federal Reserve remorselessly multiplies our pure fiat money.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis kindly observes: “A higher velocity is a sign that the same amount of money is being used for a number of transactions. A high velocity indicates a high degree of inflation.”
Therefore, it follows that a decades’ long low in the velocity of money in all probability does not auger for runaway inflation. Suppose the rapidly increasing reserve theory necessarily led to high inflation when money increases faster than real output. How do you explain the low inflation of recent years?
Inflation in the United States should have been about 31 percent per year between 2008 and 2013 when the money supply grew at an average pace of 33 percent per year, and output grew at an average pace just below 2 percent. Why, then, has inflation remained persistently low (below 2 percent) during this period?
When more transactions are made throughout the economy, velocity increases, and the economy is likely to expand. But note, the opposite is also true: Money velocity declines when fewer transactions are being made; therefore, the economy is likely to shrink.
When money velocity declines rapidly during an expansionary monetary policy period, it can offset the increase in money supply and even lead to deflation instead of inflation. That’s where I see the danger now. The experience of recent years shows that extravagant increases in the monetary base have not translated into rapid increases in the velocity of money. Quite the opposite.
Velocity of Money Falls by Almost Three-Quarters This means that every dollar in the monetary base was spent only 4.4 times in the economy during that year, down from 17.2 times just before the recession.
This implies that the unprecedented monetary base increases driven by the Fed’s large money injections have failed to stimulate at least a one-for-one proportional increase in nominal GDP through its large-
... keep reading on reddit ➡Do your worst!
How the hell am I suppose to know when it’s raining in Sweden?
Ants don’t even have the concept fathers, let alone a good dad joke. Keep r/ants out of my r/dadjokes.
But no, seriously. I understand rule 7 is great to have intelligent discussion, but sometimes it feels like 1 in 10 posts here is someone getting upset about the jokes on this sub. Let the mods deal with it, they regulate the sub.
They were cooked in Greece.
He lost May
Now that I listen to albums, I hardly ever leave the house.
Don't you know a good pun is its own reword?
Two muffins are in an oven, one muffin looks at the other and says "is it just me, or is it hot in here?"
Then the other muffin says "AHH, TALKING MUFFIN!!!"
For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.
I said "hey look, an escaPEA"
No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!
Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies 😂
It really does, I swear!
And now I’m cannelloni
I am a shameless rankings whore.
Shameless. I have a little excel spreadsheet with every school I use to keep notes in. Call it my "Nuclear Launch Codes". Care to guess how said list is organized? Hint: Boston College is tied for 35th.
But screw them. Those rankings are completely arbitrary and based on factually dipshtick criteria. That's why I wanted to make my own rankings! With blackjack and...this reference is no longer relevant enough to write the word "hookers” on a college admissions board. Ya know what? Forget the list!
By far the #1 ranking criteria for this list are my students' opinions, specifically regarding where there want to go, choose to go, and why. That is how I have learned about these schools in the first place. I am also weighing How excited they seem if they get in and how sad they seem if they don't. Students can be cagey about their thoughts on schools. But something about knowing if you get your shot or not tends to bring out the truth.
- What this list does not rank is pretty much anything about the school itself. The reason is I have no idea what these schools are like (lol) and neither do my students. So nothing about class sizes, or research opportunities, or anything related to the school experience itself. What I will be considering is the quality of the reasons my students want to attend. Reading why school essays over and over has given me a great glimpse into what a school offers. Similarly, there are schools in which multiple students haven't brought me much because they can't find anything they like. Those schools have been punished for their misgivings.
Note: I reserve the right to modify this rule in future years as my students attend schools and provide me feedback on their experience. I plan to visit them!!! But for now, I'm young in my career and all my former students have been paying 70K to be on Zoom. I just can't, yet.
- I planned to put this up a week from now to siphon those sweet, sweet exploit views from the actual USNWR going up but couldn’t because next week I’ll be on vacation in Las Vegas. Been on the #essaygrind since June 1, and it’s half-time. I think it would be super tacky to make a Patreon or whatever, so if you would like to support me financially, please help me
🌟 Manifest 🌟 the Dallas Cowboys to either win or lose by seven points or fewer against the Bucs next Thursday night. That…that will help my cause.
- It is
... keep reading on reddit ➡A few facts about the map
Number of counties per conference
Big East - 273 PAC 10 - 289 ACC - 431 Big 10 589 SEC - 667 Big 12 - 886
Number of metro areas with over 1 million people per conference
SEC - 5 Big 10 - 8 ACC - 9 Big 12 - 9 Big East - 11 PAC 10 - 13
Largest metro area in each conference
SEC Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro
ACC Washington-Arlington-Alexandria
Big 12 Dallas-Forth Worth-Arlington
Big 10 Chicago-Naperville-Elgin
PAC 10. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim
Big East New York-Newark-Jersey City
Because she wanted to see the task manager.
Time | TV | KP | Away | Home | KP | GT | PGT |
FINAL | Fox | 86 | Butler | #4 Purdue | 4 | Thread | Thread |
CANCELED | ESPN2 | 9 | #22 Tennessee | Memphis | 33 | Thread | |
FINAL | CBS | 2 | #7 Gonzaga | #25 Texas Tech | 18 | Thread | Thread |
CANCELED | 105 | Iona | #17 Seton Hall | 28 | |||
FINAL | ACC Network | 271 | Elon | #2 Duke | 7 | Thread | Thread |
FINAL | Pac-12 Network | 20 | #10 USC | Georgia Tech | 95 | Thread | Thread |
FINAL | Fox Sports 1 | 79 | Marquette | #19 Xavier | 22 | Thread | Thread |
CANCELED | 37 | #20 Colorado State | Tulsa | 144 | |||
FINAL | Fox | 57 | Providence | #24 UConn | 24 | Thread | Thread |
FINAL | CBS | 31 | North Carolina | #23 Kentucky | 21 | Thread | Thread |
FINAL | Pac-12 Network | 213 |
But that’s comparing apples to oranges
And boy are my arms legs.
Put it on my bill
Heard they've been doing some shady business.
but then I remembered it was ground this morning.
Edit: Thank you guys for the awards, they're much nicer than the cardboard sleeve I've been using and reassures me that my jokes aren't stale
Edit 2: I have already been made aware that Men In Black 3 has told a version of this joke before. If the joke is not new to you, please enjoy any of the single origin puns in the comments
They’re on standbi
I'm surprised it hasn't decade.
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