A list of puns related to "Berne Union"
I know, it doesn't matter if we win a county or not because it's the total population of Ohio. But, I've talked to a decent amount of Trump supporters, and they are actually open to Bernie over Biden. Why? Because they want change!
In my neighborhood, there are 2 Trump flags. But very soon there will be 2 Trump flags and 1 Bernie lawn sign.
I will have 15 left to give, and 10 rally signs to give for free. I can deliver up to an hour away from Marysville, but I'd rather no donate to non-Trump country areas (looking at you OSU)
In the last primary, Bernie lost by 79 votes in Union. But since the last election, I have moved to Union county and at least 2 other Bernie supporters have as well. That means, that if everyone voted the same way, our gap is only 76! But listen, lawn signs make a big difference, it starts saying it's okay to be a Democrat, and it's okay to support Bernie, your friendly neighbor does! We might be able to get more people out to vote.
And! We want to get Trump supporters out to the primaries. The more they go out to the primaries, the more likely we are to win! Because they like the extremes.
In short. Come get your free shit. Free beer upon pick up too.
J’ai vu le poteau comme quoi il y aurait trop de négativité sur le sub, donc je vous présente un texte de politique fiction. C’est écrit purement pour le plaisir et je me fiche bien du réalisme. Voici donc le Québec de 2050 en 7 points
To René Duke of Loraine
We write to you to inquire about the betrothal agreements struck between our cousin Francoise Louise and your heir Antonine, as well as our dear sister Philiberta and your second son Claude.
Antonine and Francois Louise are both of age and as such I do not think it would be inappropriate to set a date for the wedding.
Signed Margret, Archduchess of Austria, Infanta of Spain, Governor of the Netherlands, and regent of the lands of the House of Savoy
To our dear Cousin Johanna of Hachberg-Sausenberg, Countrss of Neuchatel
We write to you with a proposal of marriage. Surely you know of our dear brother Charles. Second legitimate son of the late Duke Philip of Savoy.
He distinguished himself in both the defense of Rhodes and our late war with the French. He has proven himself as a commander and leader of men.
I can also assure you that he is a man of kindness and courtesy and knows how to respect the skill and abilities of an intelligent and active woman. In short he is the ideal consort for one in your position. The Canton of Berne will not oppose such a match, and both the Emperor and the Duke of Wurtenburg would welcome such a union.
The only small difficulty will be the Pope owing to the degree of kinship between you two. But I assure you it will be no trouble to acquire the necessary dispensation. The Houses of Savoy and Burgundy were great friends of your father and we hope that friendship can continue to prosper.
Signed Margret, Archduchess of Austria, Infanta of Spain, Governor of the Netherlands, and regent of the lands of the House of Savoy
I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
C’est écrit purement pour le plaisir et je me fiche bien du réalisme. Ne cherchez pas de message politique là-dedans, il n'y en a pas. Voici donc le Québec de 2050 en 7 points:
Le Québec est une république semi-présidentielle membre de l’OTAN et de la CELAC. Il possède 11 millions d’habitants et son PIB est le 20e plus élevé parmi les pays du monde. Il s’agit du 2e pays le plus jeune, derrière la Fédération Européenne, avec seulement 15 ans.
Le Québec est né à la suite d’une guerre contre le Canada. En 2034, le troisième référendum sur l’indépendance donne le Oui gagnant avec 56% des voix. Le Canada annonce que ce résultat ne constitue pas une majorité claire et envoie l’armée dans la province pour empêcher une déclaration d’indépendance. Grâce à la défection des soldats francophones, à la neutralité américaine et au soutien matériel de la France, le Québec défait le Canada en 6 semaines et occupe les Maritimes et la région d’Ottawa. Le gouvernement Canadien s'effondre et les États-Unis occupent le reste du territoire pour éviter une seconde phase de guerre civile. Le Québec se retire du reste du Canada, mais conserve le Labrador ainsi que le Nord et l’Est du Nouveau-Brunswick. Les provinces canadiennes deviennent des états américains, faisant passer leur nombre de 53 à 62.
Le président de la république et les 250 députés de l’Assemblée nationale sont élus au scrutin majoritaire uninominal à deux tours pour 5 ans. L’environnement politique du pays est divisé en quatre partis dont les soutiens sont autour de 20%. De gauche à droite: un parti écosocialiste et altermondialiste; un parti social-libéral et progressiste; un parti libéral-conservateur et legaultiste; un parti national-conservateur et régionaliste
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