A list of puns related to "Bei Dao"
Yixing teapots season to a specific tea type, do Yixing Gong Dao Beis season as well? If there are no leaves in a GDB does it season slower or should I just use it for one tea type? Also for cups
Is there one? What's it called if so? I've more commonly seen steeps in a kyusu distributed to cups in a back-and-forth motion, not unlike Chaozhou gongfu.
Note: I am still against adding the chinese straight saber/ "straight katana" into For Honor because of the controversy the Samurai/katana fans will spark (even though it existed before the katana). Also, I don't like the idea of Jin Yi Wei using the straight saber because we don't have evidence of them using it (I could not find any evidence) even though Zhi Bei Dao did actually exist during the Ming Dynasty (I could not find much sources). If Ubisoft insists on adding a hero that uses the straight saber, then here are my ideas for a different (and possibly unique?) hero that actually did use the chinese straight saber.
Hero Name: Tiger Warrior (虎翼, Hu Yi, Tiger Wing)
I am not suggesting this hero uses the glaive in the picture, since Jiang Jun already uses a glaive. He does use the straight saber (Zhi Bei Dao,直背刀) which he is carrying, but if everyone wants him to have a weapon with as much reach as the glaive, then he could use a longer varient of the straight saber (sort of like straight nodachi?):
https://greatmingmilitary.blogspot.com/2015/04/zhan-ma-dao.html (Picture above came from this article)
The picture is a Song Dynasty saber, but its likely the Tang Dynasty had different varients of the straight saber including longer war sabers, daggers, and glaives.
Here are the ingame armor varients the hero would use:
Tiger Head with Armor:
If I cannot think of anymore unique armor ideas, then unfortunately, Ubisoft may have to resort to fantasy armor like a steel tiger head helmet (a metal version of the real tiger head) and painting armor with tiger stripes,
I did my best to think of a unique hero
... keep reading on reddit ➡They are both fairness cups, just different names? Thanks teaheads
I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
Originalpost von u/Additional-Ad5055
Da für die meisten die o.g Konzepte schwer zu verstehen sind habe ich eine gute Erklärung, die ich auf r/Superstonk gefunden habe mal ein bisschen umgeschrieben und ins Gorilladeutsche übersetzt.
Was ist das Web3 und wie unterscheidet es sich von dem Internet, das wir kennen?
Im Moment leben wir in der Web2-Welt, das bedeutet, dass der derzeitige Zustand des gesamten Internets im Grunde nur lesbar ist.
Man kann Informationen hochladen, sie lesen, Kopien davon machen, aber man kann sie nicht im Internet verifizieren und niemand ist in der Lage, die Informationen zu "verifizieren", zu "validieren" oder zu "besitzen".
Das Zeitalter der (interaktiven, nur lesbaren) Informationen ist das Web2, ohne eine externe Quelle zur Bestätigung dieser Daten.
Man stelle sich nun vor, dass ein Dritter dazu in der Lage ist, Daten zu bestätigen und zu validieren, sodass die Daten korrekt sind und ihren eindeutigen Platz in einer Blockchain zugewiesen bekommen.
Dieser Dritter ist eine Ledger-basierte Blockchain, die am besten geeignet ist, um diese Aufgabe zu erfüllen. Dabei handelt es sich um Ethereum (deshalb arbeiten GameStop und Loopring auf der Grundlage von Ethereum).
Aber was kümmert mich die Validierung? Wie wirkt sich das auf mich in der realen Welt aus?
Dies öffnet eine riesige Tür von Möglichkeiten, lass uns einige erkunden.
Web3 wird Systeme wie z.B. eine länderspezifische Registrierung von IDs entwickeln.
Derzeit gibt es ein Projekt namens ENS Ethereum Name Service, dieses Projekt ermöglicht es jedem, sein Krypto-Wallet mit seiner Ethereum-Identität (ENS) zu verknüpfen, ihr Name wird in einem einzigartigen Block (NFT) geprägt und niemand sonst kann diesen Namen haben, Sie werden effektiv eine einzigartige validierte und überprüfbare ID auf der Blockchain haben.
Bislang ist das dein "Name.eth" (Beispiel: RainerKohlen.eth)
Dieser Ledger kann effektiv Pässe ersetzen und deine Identität als NFT prägen **(Jordan Holberg,
... keep reading on reddit ➡Do your worst!
I'm surprised it hasn't decade.
I know Zhou Tai gets portrayed as Sun Quan's bodyguard since he saved him once apparently... And Zhao Yun was often de facto house guard (rescuing Liu Shan), but did they have formal bodyguards? What about other leaders/warlords?
For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.
I said "hey look, an escaPEA"
No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!
Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies 😂
It really does, I swear!
Guten Abend liebe Affengemeinde!
Der heutige Handelstag brachte unserer Lieblingsaktie ein Minus von 4,16 USD, womit sie bei 173,65 schließen konnte. Kaum waren die normalen Handelszeiten vorüber, ging es sturzartig weitere 10,50 USD nach unten, wie wir es an den Earnings Call-Tagen gewohnt sind.Das Handelsvolumen betrug 2 Mio. Aktien, was im Vergleich zum Vortag keine nennenswerte Änderung darstellt.
Die Heatmap zeigt uns einen ausgeglichenen Tag mit ähnlich vielen Gewinnern wie Verlierern.
In der Kryptowelt herrschte leichter Optimismus. Die meisten der gängigen Kurse haben Gewinne zwischen 1 und 3 Prozent zu verzeichnen. Deutliche Ausnahmen bleiben aus.
Das RRP Update zeigt uns einen Wert von 1.484,2 Mrd. USD mit 71 Gegenparteien. Im Vergleich zu gestern bedeutet dies einen Anstieg um 29,2 Mrd. USD.
Heute blieben unsere Subreddits ausgesprochen ruhig, weshalb es kaum Themen gibt, über die hier berichtet werden muss.
Da wir seit Tagen sehnsüchtig auf den Q3-Bericht warten, soll dieser als erstes behandelt werden. Den Bericht findet ihr hier. Am wichtigstens ist wohl die Tatsache, dass die Verkäufe (Net Sales) im Vergleich zum Q3 des letzten Jahres um 30 % gestiegen sind und das Unternehmen nun über 1,4 Mrd. Dollar verfügt, ohne nennenswerte Schulden zu haben.
Über den $GME Discordserver konnte man der mündlichen Verlesung der zentralen Punkte durch Matt Furlong zuhören. Hierbei gab es jedoch (meiner Meinung nach) nichts, was nicht im Bericht selbst zu finden ist.
Weitere beliebte Beiträge des Tages waren einerseits diese Tweets von Zhu Su (PleasrDAO) und [diese Warnung](h
... keep reading on reddit ➡I’m aware that the recent interview Andy Hall did with Loremaster of Sotek/Greatbook of Grudges has already been posted, but for those who don’t have time to watch an almost 2hr long video, or for my deaf mates, I decided to take notes while watching it.
Andy Hall, lead writer for Total War Warhammer 3, was reading from and referring to the unreleased Warhammer Fantasy Cathay Army Book, just dumping tons and tons of new lore. I’ve tried to categorise the new lore thematically, but the interview was pretty broad. Feel free to fill in any gaps for stuff I missed.
The Dragons:
The Moon Empress: She leads the agents of Cathay and commands the clandestine spy networks of the empire, “Mistress of the Ancestral Realms, Commander of the Imperial Agents, and Master of the Moon Winds.” She and her agents have a big role in snuffing out clandestine cults. Mention of the “many eyed crow-men” of the Empress. Sound a bit like secret police, terrifying for people who see them.
- She often goes about the empire in disguise talking to common people. Honestly she sounds kinda spooky. The spymaster who could be anyone.
- She’s named, Kuei Yin (Quei? I’m not great at Chinese spelling, apologies).
The Children: - There were 9(!!!) dragon children, but 4 have been "lost to time". Not confirmed dead, but no one knows what happened to them. Seems like that gives Games Workshop an open-ended way of introducing rogue dragon kids down the line. The remaining 5 children rule Cathay. They are:
Miao Ying - Black/Storm Dragon of the North
Zhao Ming - White/Iron Dragon of the West
(name not given) - Male Jade/Wood Dragon - ruler of the central provinces. Described as "reliable" but stodgy and obsessed with protocol. Keeps the other children in order. Sounds like a great candidate for a FLC who focuses on building tall.
Li Dao - Vermillion/Fire Dragon (master of the burning winds and lord of the phoenix) - Male Ruler of the South, described as bitter that Miao Ying gets all the attention for defending the north, when he has the challenging and thankless task of protecting the empire from Ind and Kuresh (also both Ind and Kuresh name drop strongly hints they're getting expanded down the line.) Also has a fiery temper, har har.
Yin Ying – Azure/Sea Dragon, Female Ruler of the East, admiral of the Grand Dragon Fleet (nippon hints?). Apparently she’s more impulsive than the others and has an oddly expansionist outlook. In the past she led a failed naval invasion of th
... keep reading on reddit ➡Because she wanted to see the task manager.
They’re on standbi
Pilot on me!!
Nothing, he was gladiator.
I thought it would be fun to try and predict what Cathay's lord packs are going to look like. I am going to assume they are going to get 4 DLC lords as that what all of the races introduced in Warhammer 2 besides the Lizardmen got. Lots of speculation is based on Andy Hall's interview with Sotek and Great Book of Grudges last month
Yin-Yin, The Sea Dragon- Since her provinces are bordered by the sea it seems most likely she will be in a lord pack pitted against a Dark Elf lord as per what little lore we have of what attacks her lands. A less likely but still possible pick is her being pitted against a lord from Nippon. As for her starting minor enemy the eastern city of Bei Chai has rumors of Tzeentch cults so maybe the province with that city in it could be taken over by the minor Tzeentch faction The Cult of The Painted Skin. Her campaign mechanics will most likely be based on sea trade, maybe even having a sea bound version of the Ivory Road mechanic, and have to defend it from Dark Elf pirates instead of Ogre Mercenaries. As for her lord effects she will probably buff her troops when fighting at sea and since she has tried naval invasions of the lands south of Cathay before she could have a shipbuilding mechanic like the Vampire Coast
The Monkey King and Li Dao, The Fire Dragon- Since these two live so close together, and according to the lore we've gotten they work together against Kuresh and Ind sometimes I think they will be added to the game at the same time. I think the Monkey King will be part of a lord pack and Li Dao will be added as the FLC lord for the pack. I think this way because it makes sense for the Monkey King to be the lord of the pack that adds Monkey Warriors to Cathay's roster. If CA does lord packs for new DLC races, then being pitted against a lord from Kuresh or Ind (I'm sure at least one of them will be added to the game) seems the most likely. I'm leaning towards Ind because the Monkey King lives in the mountains that boarder Ind and Cathay. The Monkey King will likely be the Arkhan of Cathay and start with a diplomatic penalty with all other Cathay factions, but also have a defensive alliance with Li Dao to represent that as much as Li Dao hates The Monkey King he still needs him. He might also have a diplomatic buff with Clan Eshin in the Immortal Empires map since Clan Eshin helped him take over Cathay for a little while. For starting enemies, I feel a rival Monkey lord for the Monkey King is likely, and Li Da
... keep reading on reddit ➡Dad jokes are supposed to be jokes you can tell a kid and they will understand it and find it funny.
This sub is mostly just NSFW puns now.
If it needs a NSFW tag it's not a dad joke. There should just be a NSFW puns subreddit for that.
Edit* I'm not replying any longer and turning off notifications but to all those that say "no one cares", there sure are a lot of you arguing about it. Maybe I'm wrong but you people don't need to be rude about it. If you really don't care, don't comment.
When I got home, they were still there.
What did 0 say to 8 ?
" Nice Belt "
So What did 3 say to 8 ?
" Hey, you two stop making out "
As the end of the year approaches, I feel I have to sum up a little.
If I can be truly honest, I feel positive of the projects progress and future, we've acheived a lot together!🦍🦍🦍 but am a little disapointed with the price action and volume. Not really sure how come we don't have more price action given that we reached all milestones on time or earlier and delivered every promise set up. I know marketing currently is not the best there is, but have thought results will speak lauder than vague marketing. That doesn't seem to be the case in crypto. Some projects have delivered almost nothing but have better marketing and are performing better in marketcap value.
However I feel about this, we have to adapt ourselfs to those situations as the investors put more value in marketing than actual results. So from now on, 80% efforts will go into marketing and new exchange listing.
New exchange listing will be done to Fegex exchange, in Q1 2022. This listing will also guarantee a lot of new investor exposure. After that when we reach 5000 holders (currently 1511), we will do a cex listing.
We also need more community engagement, creativity, sharing, liking, commenting, beiing proactive. 🦍🦍🦍🔥
As always we are always open for community suggestions and are following our DAO like business model also with community input.
Thank you all for beiing true to the cause!
-main dev 🦍
Note: I am still against adding the chinese straight saber/ "straight katana" into For Honor because of the controversy the Samurai/katana fans will spark (even though it existed before the katana). Also, I don't like the idea of Jin Yi Wei using the straight saber because we don't have evidence of them using it (I could not find any evidence) even though Zhi Bei Dao did actually exist during the Ming Dynasty (I could not find much sources). If Ubisoft insists on adding a hero that uses the straight saber, then here are my ideas for a different (and possibly unique?) hero that actually did use the chinese straight saber.
Hero Name: Tiger Warrior (虎翼, Hu Yi, Tiger Wing)
I am not suggesting this hero uses the glaive in the picture, since Jiang Jun already uses a glaive. He does use the straight saber (Zhi Bei Dao,直背刀) which he is carrying, but if everyone wants him to have a weapon with as much reach as the glaive, then he could use a longer varient of the straight saber (sort of like straight nodachi?):
https://greatmingmilitary.blogspot.com/2015/04/zhan-ma-dao.html (Picture above came from this article)
The picture is a Song Dynasty saber, but its likely the Tang Dynasty had different varients of the straight saber including longer war sabers, daggers, and glaives.
Here are the ingame armor varients the hero would use:
Tiger Head with Armor:
If I cannot think of anymore unique armor ideas, then unfortunately, Ubisoft may have to resort to fantasy armor like a steel tiger head helmet (a metal version of the real tiger head) and painting armor with tiger stripes,
I did my best to think of a unique hero
... keep reading on reddit ➡Guten Abend liebe Affengemeinde!
Der heutige Handelstag brachte unserer Lieblingsaktie eine lange vermisste Farbe: Grün. Mit 10,81 USD im Plus, schloss GME bei 147,69 USD.
Das Handelsvolumen betrug 6,5 Mio. Aktien, was im Vergleich zum Vortag eine Steigerung um 1,1 Mio. darstellt.
Die Heatmap zeigt uns für heute erneut eine Mehrheit von Verlierern. Ausnahmen finden sich gebündelt in Japan, sowie im Finanzsektor.
Die meisten der gängigen Kryptokurse legten zwischen 2 und 4 Prozent zu. Ausnahmen gibt es primär nach oben, so legte DOGE beispielsweise ganze 18 Prozent zu.
Das RRP Update zeigt uns für heute einen Wert von 1.584,5 Mrd. USD mit 79 Gegenparteien. Im Vergleich zu gestern stellt dies einen Rückgang um 51,3 Mrd. dar.
Originalpost von u/Additional-Ad5055
Da für die meisten die o.g Konzepte schwer zu verstehen sind habe ich eine gute Erklärung, die ich auf r/Superstonk gefunden habe mal ein bisschen umgeschrieben und ins Gorilladeutsche übersetzt.
Was ist das Web3 und wie unterscheidet es sich von dem Internet, das wir kennen?
Im Moment leben wir in der Web2-Welt, das bedeutet, dass der derzeitige Zustand des gesamten Internets im Grunde nur lesbar ist.
Man kann Informationen hochladen, sie lesen, Kopien davon machen, aber man kann sie nicht im Internet verifizieren und niemand ist in der Lage, die Informationen zu "verifizieren", zu "validieren" oder zu "besitzen".
Das Zeitalter der (interaktiven, nur lesbaren) Informationen ist das Web2, ohne eine externe Quelle zur Bestätigung dieser Daten.
Man stelle sich nun vor, dass ein Dritter dazu in der Lage ist, Daten zu bestätigen und zu validieren, sodass die Daten korrekt sind und ihren eindeutigen Platz in einer Blockchain zugewiesen bekommen.
Dieser Dritter ist eine Ledger-basierte Blockchain, die am besten geeignet ist, um diese Aufgabe zu erfüllen. Dabei handelt es sich um Ethereum (deshalb arbeiten GameStop und Loopring auf der Grundlage von Ethereum).
Aber was kümmert mich die Validierung? Wie wirkt sich das auf mich in der realen Welt aus?
Dies öffnet eine riesige Tür von Möglichkeiten, lass uns einige erkunden.
Web3 wird Systeme wie z.B. eine länderspezifische Registrierung von IDs entwickeln.
Derzeit gibt es ein Projekt namens ENS Ethereum Name Service, dieses Projekt ermöglicht es jedem, sein Krypto-Wallet mit seiner Ethereum-Identität (ENS) zu verknüpfen, ihr Name wird in einem einzigartigen Block (NFT) geprägt und niemand sonst kann diesen Namen haben, Sie werden effektiv eine einzigartige validierte und überprüfbare ID auf der Blockchain haben.
Bislang ist das dein "Name.eth" (Beispiel: RainerKohlen.eth)
Dieser Ledger kann effektiv Pässe ersetzen und deine Identität als NFT prägen **(Jordan Holberg, l
... keep reading on reddit ➡Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Click here for more information.