A list of puns related to "Akademi"
I would be fine if it was just a normal university which students said was ‘like a high school’ because of the uniforms but now it just seems weird to me
I geniuely believe that at the end of the game Ichirou is going to shut down the school. Why? Because YandereDev said that "Sumire Saitozaki" was the begining of everything and "Megami Saikou" will be the end of everything. I think this means, Sumire was the first girl in being killed and Megami will be the last girl in being killed, implying that her canonical elimination method is a lethal one. If Ayano is going to give birth to a daughter like the rest of the Aishis, it wouldn't make Megami "the end of everything" if the daughter is also going to go to school and kill some rivals. So this is why I think Ichirou will permanently shut down Akademi. And I know Saisho was the one who ordered the school being built, but he is dead now and Ichirou would be the new school's owner.
Ya, ini post serius, meski judulnya cocok buat shitpost.
Gw beberapa hari ini mikir, karena Indonesia udah cukup modern dan orang2 ngislam nggak kaya zaman dulu, dikit2 bawa obor dan bikin rusuh, kenapa ya nggak ada yang bikin akademi klenik / mistis?
Setau saya hukum Indonesia nggak ada yang mempermasalahkan perdukunan, dari masyarakat sekitar, terutama yang muda, kayaknya udah mulai jarang yang percaya beginian.
Akademi nya juga nggak perlu sampe mata kuliah santet atau pesugihan, tapi bisa juga lebih ke antropologi / sejarah dunia dukun Indonesia, atau bahkan lebih mengeksplor kebudayaan Indonesia.
Kenapa gw mikir aneh2 kaya gini? Karena kebanyakan orang indo biasanya terhanyut untuk masalah pertahanan kebudayaan. Contoh gampang nya aja udah banyak hantu lokal yang "punah" dan ga banyak orang yang tau. Ujung2nya antara terlupakan sepenuhnya, atau ada negara entah dimana ngaku2 kalo itu hantu mereka, baru kita gercep.
EDIT : mungkin bisa juga niru taktik Jepang, misal budaya Samurai kan cukup punah, atau bahkan dilarang secara hukum. Tapi mereka masih melestarikan sejarahnya lewat Kendo / Iaido. Jadi mungkin bisa membuat edutainment sekitar hal klenik juga.
Location, Route and Schedule:
Couple 1 would be at the southeast side fountain.
Couple 2 would be at the southwest side fountain.
Couple 3 would be at the Japanese Garden near the incinerator.
Couple 4 would be at the other Japanese Garden that is near the outdoor cafeteria.
Couple 5 would be at cherry blossom tree, lying on the hill.
These couples would spend most of the time in their locations. You won't be able to talk to them if they arrive in their locations because they would rather spend their time on their partner than some random girl. The couples also eat their lunch in their supposed locations. You would be able to talk to them even if they are at their locations at lunchtime.
The 6th couple is unique because they don't just stay in one spot, they walk around outside of the school. You wouldn't be able to talk to the 6th couple after they change their shoes. At lunchtime, the 6th couple would eat their lunch on the rooftop. You will be able to talk to them during lunchtime.
During cleaning time, the couples would clean until 4:00 PM. When it's 4:00 PM, couples 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 would go to their locations and sit there until 6:00 PM. The 6th couple would go back to walk around outside of school until 6:00 PM.
Personas, How Would They React to Murder and How Would They Act in Subsequent Days:
One person from each couple in the game would have the Heroic Persona. The other could be Social Butterfly, Loner, Teacher's Pet, or whatever.
If you kill the one who doesn't have the Heroic Persona, The one with the Heroic Persona will run towards you and trigger the struggle mini-game (obv).
If you kill the one with the Heroic Persona first, the other one would do what their persona would do. If they are a Social Butterfly they would run to the nearest crowded area and call the police. If they are a Coward they would beg the player to spare their life in return for silence and leave school grounds, etc.
If you kill someone infront of them, the one with the Heroic Persona will run towards you and trigger the struggle mini-game while the other one would do what they would do based on what their Persona is (I hope I make sense). If they are a Social Butterfly they would run to the nearest crowded area and call the police. If they are a Coward they would beg the player to spare their life in return for silence and leave school grounds, etc.
If you killed both, then great.
If you killed one of them, the other one knows you're the killer an
... keep reading on reddit ➡https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-12126892 Hei, tämä uutinen on hyvä esimerkki siitä, kuinka eriarvoistuminen etenee Suomessa, tällä hetkellä oikeustieteiden maisterikoulutuksien kaikista aloituspaikoista ruotsinkielisiä on 5,7%, eli suomenruotsalaisia kohden on 10% liikaa aloituspaikkoja yliopistoissa suhteutennuna heidän osuuteensa Suomen väestöstä. Jos tämä Åbo akademin hakemus menee läpi, suomenruotsalaisille on varattu 10% kaikista OTM aloituspaikoista, vaikka he tekevät vajaa 5% Suomen väestöstä. Tietenkin myös suomenkielinen voi näihin paikkoihin hakea, mutta åbo akademilla ja helsingin yliopistolla on todella tiukat kieliehdot ihmisille, joiden äidinkieli ei ole juridisesti ruotsi, (mm. Vähintään Eximia pitkästä ruotsista, jota ei ole valtaosassa maata edes tarjolla tavalliselle oppilaalle)
So I find the aspect of Akademi High being a post-high school academy that simulates the feeling of a high school environment for people who prefer a high school atmosphere over a college atmosphere rather bizarre yet interesting, as the majority of fans in this subreddit can agree on. However, I may have comprehended reasonable explanations as to why the current student body enrolled in Akademi instead of any other standard university or college in Japan. (Please keep in mind this is a theory of mine and not a solid confirmation from the dev, yet I've strung up a couple of pieces of facts and details from the official website and speculate it from there. So take this with a grain of salt)
Kalo indo kan kalo ada undangan pernikahan, caleg atau acara2 resmi kan sering cantumin gelar2 sarjana yg blablabla
Soalnya kalo gw liat nama2 bule jarang yang pake gelar2 akademis selain dokter. Apa main gw aja yg kurang jauh?
Kayak Donald Trump S.Ag ato apa gitu
Ik this is probably because of the dumb lore but let's take this aspect away for a moment so we can analyse the characters a bit better
The students act like strict adults, and being a teenager myself, I found it really odd how the characters don't use slangs frequently, or say "bad words" that teenagers irl would say, like "fuck" or "shit" as examples, not even the delinquents swear, and that makes the students feel a lot more... Dead, it's hard to explain but this lack of "teenagerness" in the students make them a lot less alive
While yes, some teenagers can be more formal than others, it's important to point out why they act like that, if they act like this for their own, because of family influences, etc
The students in general also don't seem to care about the deaths, like at all, and that makes them feel even more robotic & unalive, because realistically speaking, if a friend of yours dies, it would be normal to be upset, angry, scared, nervous, sad & just break down, but this doesn't happen in YanSim, the only time something similar happens is when Osana dies, Taro & Raibaru are the only ones that seem to actually get upset about Osana's passing, the other students just don't seem to care her at all, Osana also gets sad when Rai dies, but it doesn't have the same impact like Osana dying has (which is already lacking)
The funeral ceremony (I think that's what it's called) is basically useless when the students don't even seem to care about someone's passing, it's just there to make the deaths more "emotional" but that doesn't even happen like it's supposed to
I'll start.
IMO trait gak gampang baper aka lapang dada. Kalau di Indo kita sering kali belajar untuk hati2 "jangan sampai orang lain tersinggung." Klo ada yang pinter/kaya, jangan nunjukin nanti orang lain iri. Klo ada yang kurang oke performanya, jangan ditegur nanti sakit hati... etc etc. Kesarnya, budaya kita kayak ngajarin orang untuk jangan menyampaikan pendapat, jangan jadi diri sendiri... disisi lain, kita juga jadi "nuntut" orang lain untuk menjaga perasaan kita.
Padahal, kalau kita diajarinnya untuk lapang dada dan gak gampang tersinggung kalau dikritik, hidup akan lebih gampang lho. Bukan artinya kita nerima semua kritikan dan berubah sesuai yg diinginin pengritik yaa, tapi seenggaknya kita punya kapasitas lebih untuk berpikir apakah kita perlu adjust perilaku atau enggak. Hal ini kepake di semua aspek kehidupan, orang yg gak gampang baper punya lebih banyak hubungan sosial yang memuaskan, lebih advance di bidang karir/akademis... simply krn mereka diliat sebagai orang yang cooperative dan "siap berkembang".
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