IACR [Necropolitics] by [Achille Mbembe]
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👤︎ u/glugolly
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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Reading Group on Achille Mbembe's oeuvre?

Reading Achille Mbembe.

Anyone intersted in a reading group on Mbembe's work?

Necropolitics etc?

Is there any good secondary literature on his work?

👍︎ 14
👤︎ u/echoclerk
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
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Achille Mbembe - What is the actual specificity of "Necropower" or "Necropolitics" ?

So, reading Mbembe's Necropolitics (Duke 2019) which is it interesting to note, was originally published in French as Politiques de l’inimitié in 2016 (ie the Politics of Enmity).

But my problem is really grasping what the hell does he even mean by "Necropolitics", what is specific about it. He is so vague about the concept and keeps blurring it together with other ideas.

on p. 80 for instance, he says that "the specific structure of terror that I have called necropower" has "three major characteristics".

He gives one: "the dynamics of territorial fragmentation" but then goes off on a tangent and never really clearly identifies the other two. It seems like that might include two of this set:

- Weizman's Vertical Sovereignty (but this seems to be just a 3D-ization of "territory")

- Infrastructural destruction (bulldozing) (p. 81)

- "tactics of medieval siege warfare" (p. 82)

But before he explicitly clarifies anything, he shifts back to an earlier claim that these examples in fact demonstrate the "concatenation of multiple powers: disciplinary, biopolitical and necro-political" (p. 82)

Then he just moves on the War Machines, starting a new section... leaving it to the reader to somehow work out what was supposed to have been the specificity of necropower?

👍︎ 65
👤︎ u/echoclerk
📅︎ Jul 23 2021
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Achille Mbembe - Critique of Black Reason (2013[2017]) Thoughts? Anyone read it?

Achille Mbembe - Critique de la raison nègre (2013)

Currently reading the English translation after having read a bunch of his earlier essays. He has a kind of meandering style. It is often hard to follow the real thread of the essays. ie they are very "essayistic".

This first chapter of Critique of Black Reason which ostensibly focusses on "race" seems the same. There are interesting paragraphs, but what is it really "about"?

👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/echoclerk
📅︎ Jul 14 2021
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Achille Mbembe on how to restore the humanity stolen by racism theconversation.com/achil…
👍︎ 4
📅︎ May 02 2021
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Dialogue: Achille Mbembe and Bernard Stiegler - 'Truth, Fiction, Illusion: Worlds & Experience' Conference youtu.be/w6gP8Z6NQ3o
👍︎ 82
📅︎ Dec 01 2020
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Becoming Black: a conversation with Olúfémi Táíwò and Achille Mbembe | ROAR Magazine roarmag.org/essays/becomi…
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👤︎ u/burtzev
📅︎ May 26 2021
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'Does Macron understand how much influence France has lost in Africa?'. - Achille Mbembe theafricareport.com/52774…
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📅︎ Dec 05 2020
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Necropolítica en la Comunidad de Madrid: El concepto de Necropolitica fue enunciado por el filósofo camerunés Achille Mbembe para referirse al uso del poder social y político para dictar cómo algunas personas pueden vivir y cómo algunas deben morir.
👍︎ 4
📅︎ Oct 02 2020
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‘Does Macron understand how much influence France has lost in Africa?’ – Achille Mbembe theafricareport.com/52774…
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👤︎ u/Sarkii_
📅︎ Dec 08 2020
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Achille Mbembe: "The Idea of a World Without Borders" youtube.com/watch?v=fLRpH…
👍︎ 70
📅︎ Nov 01 2019
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Achille Mbembe - "Life Futures and the Future of Reason" youtu.be/uv11y10XaLY
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👤︎ u/Sgapie
📅︎ Dec 30 2019
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Meditation on the Second Creation- Achille Mbembe e-flux.com/journal/114/36…
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📅︎ Feb 10 2021
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Achilles Mbembe - Out of the Dark Night youtu.be/sWHYQ6CqP20
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👤︎ u/Sgapie
📅︎ Nov 15 2020
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Debatte um Achille Mbembe: Zum Schweigen gebracht (Kolumne von Dominic Johnson) taz.de/Debatte-um-Achille…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/GirasoleDE
📅︎ May 04 2020
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Thoughts on the planetary: An interview with Achille Mbembe : New Frame newframe.com/thoughts-on-…
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📅︎ Sep 18 2019
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Necropolitics by Achille Mbembe - summarizes the current cultural moment

Just read this book with a reading group. It follows in the tradition of Fanon.

👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/twot
📅︎ Sep 11 2020
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Achille Mbembe on how the Ebola Crisis exposed Africa’s dependency on the West africasacountry.com/2015/…
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👤︎ u/liotier
📅︎ Jan 11 2020
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Debatte über den Denker Achille Mbembe: Die andere Seite der Gleichung (Essay von Amos Goldberg & Alon Confino) taz.de/Debatte-ueber-den-…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/GirasoleDE
📅︎ May 03 2020
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Achille Mbembe on how the Ebola Crisis exposed Africa’s dependency on the West africasacountry.com/2015/…
👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/liotier
📅︎ Jan 11 2020
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Borders in the Age of Networks | Achille Mbembe youtube.com/watch?v=tFGjz…
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👤︎ u/masalberto
📅︎ Nov 17 2019
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Achille Mbembe : « Les Africains doivent se purger du désir d’Europe » lemonde.fr/afrique/articl…
👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/EasyDot
📅︎ Feb 13 2019
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Debatte um Achille Mbembe: Zum Schweigen gebracht | Bei der Debatte um Achille Mbembe geht es weniger um dessen angeblichen Antisemitismus als um Deutschlands Unwillen, die eigene Kolonialzeit aufzuarbeiten. taz.de/Debatte-um-Achille…
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📅︎ May 04 2020
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“África é a última fronteira do capitalismo”, entrevista a Achille Mbembe buala.org/pt/cara-a-cara/…
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📅︎ Dec 22 2018
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"Necropolitics" pdf by Achille Mbembe docs.google.com/file/d/0B…
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👤︎ u/kajimeiko
📅︎ Dec 10 2016
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Achille Mbembe: “A era do humanismo está terminando” ihu.unisinos.br/564255-ac…
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👤︎ u/logatwork
📅︎ Jan 26 2017
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La militarización es característica del régimen global: Achille Mbembe jornada.com.mx/ultimas/cu…
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📅︎ Oct 16 2019
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What distinguishes Achille Mbembe's necropolitics from Foucault's juridical power?

I'm having difficulty parsing the nuance between Mbeme's idea of sovereign power which takes as its project the generalized instrumentalization of human existence and the material destruction of human bodies and populations, from the simple exercise of juridical power, the state's power to kill.

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📅︎ Nov 20 2017
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Necropolitics // Achille Mbembe, translated by Libby Meintjes warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/en…
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👤︎ u/erfugate
📅︎ Feb 15 2018
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Achille Mbembe interview -- "France's pain of entry into the world to come" (my attempted translation) jstevenson.org/2016/10/31…
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📅︎ Dec 05 2016
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The Power of the Archive and its Limits // Achille Mbembe arachnesarchive.com/wp-co…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/erfugate
📅︎ Feb 15 2018
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