A list of puns related to "Shoot Loud, Louder... I Don't Understand"
Any tricks for being more aware of that and being able to decide an appropriate volume for the situation?
Herald link to the story.
A Nelson tenant has been told to change his anti-social ways and turn down his television after watching it so loud, it's keeping the neighbours awake.
Lee Walters was hauled before the Tenancy Tribunal facing eviction after neighbours at his flat complex called the police on him because he refused to lower his TV's volume and abused those who complained about it, adjudicator Jenny Robson said.
Walters often played his TV loudly from 6.30am until 2am the next day, neighbours claimed.
When the police were called on him, he only turned the TV up louder afterwards, they said.
He also sent threatening texts and threatened to beat his direct neighbour's head in with a stick, they said.
Walters, for his part, said he was partially deaf and had to play the TV loudly.
He also said he never knew his loud viewing habits were a problem until the police showed up on his door.
He said he couldn't "understand why it was he who was taken away by the police and not the neighbour".
However, adjudicator Robson dismissed Walters' claims about not knowing his loud TV watching was a problem, saying he had been handed a letter directly into his hand warning him about it and other anti-social behaviour.
A Mr Hollebon - acting on behalf of the landlord - told the Tribunal hearing held via a phone call during the alert level 4 lockdown that there was a long history of Walters' anti-social behaviour.
Most affected were the tenants living in a flat that adjoined Walters'.
Two previous tenants had lasted just two and six months, respectively, in the adjoining flat before moving out because of the noise of his TV.
Hollebon said that - since the most recent tenant moved into the adjoining flat in January - they had sent him 165 texts and phone calls complaining about Walters' noise and threatening behaviour.
"Noise control has been called on a number of occasions and after such visits the noise increases, not decreases, as has Mr Walters' confrontational and aggressive behaviour towards the neighbouring tenant," Hollebon told the tribunal.
In February, Hollebon said he was working at a separate unit when he saw Walters "leap the fence" to get in the faces of his neighbours.
Hollebon rushed over to "trespass" Walters from the p
... keep reading on reddit β‘I suffer actual pain from hearing different tones. It's not just loud, it causes me pain. My boyfriend has a deep voice and when he sings loud, it hurts. And I feel bad asking him to lower his voice but if he doesn't, I'm in pain.
I don't have many friends at the moment so it's really only my boyfriend who has to deal with me. He and others simply don't understand that it's not just loud, it hurts!! I feel like a burden when I ask someone to lower their voice.
He knows I've had two concussions and he doesn't intentionally yell or sing loud. But his voice is deep and even singing at a normal decibel level still hurts. It's not loud to him but it is to me.
He sometimes gets offended when I ask him to stop or lower his voice.
I don't know if this post makes sense. How do I get friends and family to understand what I'm going through? In addition, if a friend or someone who doesn't know about me is yelling very loudly, how do I politely ask them to lower their voice?
I've seen a neurologist for my actual concussions but I haven't seen an "ear doctor." (There's probably a fancy name for them)
TL;DR: I've had two concussions that have made my ears very sensitive. Noises hurt even when they aren't loud. BF and others don't truly understand and I seem rude for asking everyone to lower their voice.
Edit: Thank you to those who've replied! I've come to realize that this is an issue I need to fix, not something that others have to. I'll try and go see an ear doctor. But in the meantime, I'll try some other techniques.
The "shushing" will always sound rude, no matter the intentions. Hopefully I can resolve this.
In the meantime, I'll enjoy listening to all of the conversations in the next room over.
Inflation is 8% now. Some say its much higher than this.
Bitcoin is deflationary so why people take risk of selling bitcoins for possible hyperinflated $dollars Jack Dorcey said?
If Fed don't raise interest rates high enough to tame inflation then inflations gets out of control right?
Why the DXY Dollar index is performing well in a high inflationary environment? Is it because the other fiat currencies compared to the dollar are much worse and more devalued than the $dollar?
If bitcoin goes to $100k next month and we sell at the top at $100k and 2 weeks later the $dollar collapses loses value then the sellers are screwed right? Can the collapse of the dollar cancel the bear market following the $100k top?
After watching one of John Wall's off season videos from August, I was disappointed to see that there were absolutely no improvements in his shooting mechanics. Every time he catches the ball, he yanks it down very low before bringing it back up to shoot. By doing this, he is literally sabotaging his chances of making the shot.
He needs to keep the ball higher and make his shooting motion more fluid. It blows my mind that with all the proffesionals and experts around him, he still shoots exactly the same way. What is your guys take on Wall's shot?
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