Got rekt by my Political Science Professor

lecture about US political culture

Prof: You guys like magic

Class: Yeah!

Prof: Okay I need a volunteer

I raised my hand so he picked me

Prof: Okay pull out a dollar bill and point out the wings of the bald eagle

I do

Prof: Okay I want you to fold the bill 3 times long ways then hand it to me

i fold it then hand it to him

Prof: You can still see the wings right? okay I am now going to fold it sideways into 3rds then I want you to hold out 3 fingers with your palm up

he places the folded bill onto my fingers with the center third flat on my hand

Prof: now say wing 3 times

Me: Wing wing wing

prof picks up the bill and holds it up to his ear

Prof: Hello?? This is Professor Frank, who is this?

The whole class couldn't stop laughing for like 10 minutes xD

👍︎ 874
👤︎ u/SN1P3RJOE
📅︎ Apr 06 2015
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My political science prof while we were discussing political parties today.

Prof: There is still even a prohibition party. You know what prohibition was right?

Class: No alcohol.

Prof: Right. That doesn't sound like much of a party.

👍︎ 16
👤︎ u/spootneek
📅︎ Jul 21 2014
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My Political Science class...

Professor: "Does anyone know what the definition of a mandate is?"

Steven chuckles

Professor: "Steven, you are chuckling like you know the answer."

Steven: "No...I just have a funny image in my head."

Professor notably irritated

Professor: "Do I want to know?"

Steven: "Well, Bush and Cheney are hanging out at a restaurant...on a mandate."

Professor actually appreciates joke, rest of class groans

Props, Steven. I lost my shit.

...has anyone seen it? Seriously, it's been gone for a while.

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Apr 21 2015
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Every time I talk to my dad about school, without fail

"so how are your classes going?"

"well, for my Political Science class, I'm writing an essay analyzing genocides"

"....well, are you for it or against it?"

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Oct 02 2013
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